Thanks! It’s 75th D-Day Anniversary!

16th and 1st Infantry Division reaches Omaha Beach; Photo: Robert F. Sargent
16th and 1st Infantry Division reaches Omaha Beach; Photo: Robert F. Sargent

Today, 75 years ago, allies from numerous countries landed in Normandy. American and British troops paid the greatest toll of blood on the beaches of Normandy.

Operation Overlord included troops from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.

The photo, taken by Robert F. Sargent, shows the landing of the 16th and 1st US Infantry Division during the landing at Omaha Beach.

In this section alone, between 2000 and 5000 liberators lost their lives.

In deep gratitude and honorable memory of the liberators.