Timothy Snyder erklärt die russische Propaganda in zehn Minuten

Timothy Snyder Foto: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

In diesem kurzen  Video erklärt der Historiker Timothy Snyder nicht nur, wie die russische Propaganda funktioniert. Er zeigt auch auf, welche Bedeutung der Konflikt für die westlichen Gesellschaften hat.

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Yael Schlichting
Yael Schlichting
3 Jahre zuvor

Timothy Snyder himself explains the whole thing in a postmodernist way.
He manages to explain without using facts from presence or history.
I stopped watching this video after 03:30, because Snyder's distortions are even worse than if his accusations were true.
To some extent Snyder's accusation have substance, but he himself is much worse.
